Sunday, March 20, 2011

Results from Saturday 3-19-2011


Great job guys, we notched a win today in a close match vs. Mariposa, 3-2, despite being short-handed

John gave Les Shigetani, one of the top singles players in the league, a match at #1 singles (6-3, 6-4), we defaulted #2 singles, and prevailed in all 3 doubles matches. 


Dave B & Frank held off a 2nd set comeback to win in 2. 

Taylor and Rob won by TKO when one of their opponents shanked (defined: "The term referring to a misdirected shot. This is caused by a ball hitting the frame of the racket rather than on its center. " Sports pundit.) an attempted return of Taylor's serve into his own eye and had to retire (if Taylor doesn't get you one way, he'll get you another).  

Ray and Dave S would have made Brad Gilbert proud by winning ugly in the deciding match, coming back at the last instant in the 3rd.  Ray's sentence of 40 lashes for not checking in Fri. was commuted after winning the match.

Next up will be a home match at our new digs, RTC, vs. TCC next Sat. 3/26, warmup @ 10:30, start time 11:00.  Players should bring $5, a can of balls, and lots of Whoopassium- we'll need it.  I'll be paying upfront for everyone, and then collect from our players.


Taylor said...

I would mention the court condtions from our match Saturday. La Mariposa court are horrible and a safety issue. We don't play them again, but the USTA needs to be aware of them at some point. If the courts are not repaired by the following season (a year) then I say we don't play there again until they are fixed! I think KGUN9's "9 on your side" needs to do a report like they did for the court at Ft. Lowell!!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention in the match report- it was GREAT to see Mike D back on the court warming up, looking good, hitting well. WELCOME BACK MIKE!!!

It is a shame about the LM courts, because it's a nice facility. I hope they will at least patch those ginormous cracks!
