Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Update on Former Whoopassium Teammates

Mike was out at Bob Dobbs and ran in to a friend of Sanjai. Sanjai is married and has a job lined up at Cal Poly (He thinks - remember Mike was at a bar).

Also, Jeff Willbanks as you all know has moved to Las Vegas. He is took a new job at BLM. As you see below:
Jeff Wilbanks
Program Manager Park, Trail & Natural Area
Las Vegas District Office
I think his email is the same. So I think if you are in Vegas and want to play tennis give him a call/email. Mike and I have his number if you ever need it.

Here is a link to Ken Chang's design/ spin factory.
I will drop him a email and see what he is up to.

Here is a snip it:
Ken wrote : "Well, I'm still playing tennis here in the Bay Area, but not nearly as often as I used to in Tucson. Having kids has shifted my priorities quite a bit and I'm lucky if I get 2-3 matches in per month. The competition around here is a lot more fierce and there are a lot more high-caliber players, so I'm not winning as much as I did in Tucson. I also played in a 5.0 league for the first time this year, playing doubles, and even got a couple of wins, but to be honest, my partner carried me in those matches. Currently, I'm in a Combo 8.5 league, which is 3 doubles matches where the players are paired up 4.5 with a 4.0. I don't recommend it, and I probably won't play again. Being the stronger of the two players, you are avoided most of the time, which means I'm basically there to serve the ball when it's my turn and watch your partner mess up... a lot.

There isn't a sense of "team" like I had in Tucson. I miss that about our team at Ft. Lowell. Most of the players around here just show up to play matches. They come, they play, and they leave as soon as they're done. That said, the individual players take their matches just as, if not more, seriously than they do in Tucson. There are lots of on court disputes and complaints to the USTA. Luckily, I haven't been involved in any of those directly. "

Thanks Ken!


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