Monday, September 29, 2008

Stringing in Tucson???

To Tucson Players:

I know there are places to get rackets re-strung, but where are they? The two that come to mind are The Racket Shack and Match Point Tennis. I don't really know any other places other than private clubs or individuals that string. Randolph Tennis Center contracts the stringing to Chacho Romero (Does a great job. FYI). The other Parks & Rec Courts might do the same. I am not sure.

The cost of getting a racket strung can not be cheap at a club or resort or Parks & Rec. The players must not be breaking strings as often today. I was breaking strings every other match back in the day. Where do the high school and the juniors go? Where do you go?

Are there more shops out there that I am not aware of? If so, where? If not, why? Are people stringing their own rackets? I know I did when I was in High School. I know a couple of guys on my team that string their own rackets.

Tucson is a big tennis town, but we can't all be playing on dead strings!

Here are a few links:

Chacho does a great job from Randolph Tennis center.
If there are more places let me know and I will post them.

Please send info, comments, questions please.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

My beef With Andy Roddick

So he pulls out of the Olympics to focus on the U.S Open. He has a good showing at the Open. However, he doesn't win it. He was one of a few, maybe the only one, of the top tier players that DID NOT play the Olympics. I think he said something like "It is more American for me to play in the U.S. Open than it is for me to play for the U.S. in China". He might not have come out and said that word for word, but that is what I understood him saying.

I say that is a crock. Come on Andy, did you see Roger Federer crying on the gold medal platform. AND it was for DOUBLES. It was a selfish thing that Roddick did.

What makes me respond to this now weeks after both event is Andy winning the China Open today. It is pretty ironic. I wonder what tournament Roddick skipped to prepare for the China Open?

Congrats to Tsonga for winning his ATP event in Thailand. I still think he is the second coming of Muhammad Ali.

Have a great Sunday. Let me know what your thoughts are! Comments are welcome.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Team Whoopassium

I am creating this so there can be a place for our tennis team, friends, families can see what we are up to. I will post pictures, scores, and what ever else. So don't be surprised by me taking pictures when we are out on the court because I will post them. Or a good example might be if Ed took pics at the Open I will post them.

I will also be posting stuff that I find interesting in the sports world, fun stuff, etc. It will morph as I move along as this is the first attempt of "blogging" for me.

So here I am playing tennis in Thimpu, Bhutan in October 2004. I think the altitude was about 10,000 ft.

Hope you all will find this interesting.
