To Tucson Players:
I know there are places to get rackets re-strung, but where are they? The two that come to mind are The Racket Shack and Match Point Tennis. I don't really know any other places other than private clubs or individuals that string. Randolph Tennis Center contracts the stringing to Chacho Romero (Does a great job. FYI). The other Parks & Rec Courts might do the same. I am not sure.
The cost of getting a racket strung can not be cheap at a club or resort or Parks & Rec. The players must not be breaking strings as often today. I was breaking strings every other match back in the day. Where do the high school and the juniors go? Where do you go?
Are there more shops out there that I am not aware of? If so, where? If not, why? Are people stringing their own rackets? I know I did when I was in High School. I know a couple of guys on my team that string their own rackets.
Tucson is a big tennis town, but we can't all be playing on dead strings!
Here are a few links:
Chacho does a great job from Randolph Tennis center.
If there are more places let me know and I will post them.
Please send info, comments, questions please.